Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Taste of Ancient Greece

Last week in Athens!

Classes ended last Thursday and were capped off by our performance of "Kassandrama" a play based on fragments of two of Euripides plays about the Trojan war. Anthony Stevens introduced it to us on the first day as "an avant-garde, experimental, theatromontage." Trust me, it was an interesting experiance to perform it.

A few days ago we had a goodbye pizza party at the Kugler's apartment, which will probably be the last time that all of us are together. People are leaving this week as early as tomorrow. I'm in town until Saturday, time I'll need to finish off my last essay and take my Ancient Greek final.

Last night a group of us went out to this restaurant that serves "ancient Greek food" based on references in surviving texts from the time. Honestly, I feel like it was more of an excuse to make really tasty food and make the patrons eat with their hands in a fancy restaurant situation. With such a big group, it ended up being fairly reasonably priced, especially considering that we had multiple courses of really tasty food. How genuinely ancient it was is questionable, but after a sip of the sweet honeyed wine and a taste of the pork stuffed with dates, no one cared anymore.

This morning, I ran some errands and bought a guidebook to Western Europe for our impending travel spree. We have plane tickets to Rome, Eurail passes, and hostels booked.

I think I'm going to miss the group and the sense of community that we have here in Athens, but I'm ready to see a bit more of Europe at this point. I think I'll have to wait a few months to get all nostalgic and begin to wax poetic about how amazing this experiance has been; enough time to forget all of the hours spent in classes and the computer lab and have my memories distilled down to all of the wonderful times and experiances I've had here. For now, I'm still in the computer lab, dreaming of Italy.

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