Sunday, August 12, 2007

One Way Ticket

In exactly nineteen days, I will be boarding an airplane to Athens with a suitcase and a one way ticket in hand. The flight will take some twenty-one hours, with a seven hour lay over in New York's JFK airport. Twenty-one hours is the difference between this summer and the next year of my life. Theoretically, I'll be in Europe until this time next year, when I'll come back to complete my senior year at Lewis and Clark. For the Fall semester, I'll be in Athens, the Isle of Lesbos, and Turkey traveling with an overseas program of Lewis and Clark students. For the spring semester... well, we'll see. Whatever happens, this blog will be the continuing chronicle of the next year of my life. I hope that it makes for an interesting story.


kozy said...

Miss Munsey,

Fabulous looking blog.


J-Sea said...

I can't believe you are going to be going to be abroad for a year, that is so wild! Should make for an exciting year, eh?

And in regards to your comment, because this site is stupid and doesn't allow replies to comments.
"You are way funnier in writing that I could even attempt to be."
High praise coming from the english major, but I somehow doubt it. Anyway some people have exciting lives and quality writing and don't need to use humor to try and bridge the gap.